It's back to school time! Yippee!!

You’ve had an amazing time off for summer, and you’re so ready for the kids to go back to school – or is your little one starting school for the first time?? FINALLY this day has come.

Whether this is your first rodeo for your child starting school or your tenth, I want to tell you how important I think those first day photos are. Yes- they are staged (cringe), yes – no one wants to do them at the time, BUT… I can guarantee you that you and your school kid will want to look back on this memory for years and years to come. I’m not just talking about only the first day of kindergarten – the first day of every school year is important to document.


Because they’ve changed. They’ve changed in the last year, they’ve grown, heck - they’ve probably grown since Christmas judging by how often I’m buying new shoes for my kids! I KNOW my kids are changing before my very eyes. And yours are too. Please slow down time, pleassssse!!

Yep she definitely grew from a year ago!

And here’s the part that you’re going to HATE.

I want YOU to get in the photos too. {Insert groan here} Yes - Mum and Dad should absolutely be a part of this memory. Even if it is for the laugh in 20 year’s time about what you’re wearing or your awful hair style! Haha! Trust me, the kids will treasure these memories – not now, but later.

Try these ideas:

  • Include a sign board or even just a piece of paper with the year and school grades on it

  • Do the photo in the exact same spot each year if possible – you can see them growing up the wall!

  • Use a school sign in the background

  • Take a photo with their teacher

  • Include all the small details - the school badge etc

  • Take a photo with their friends (they’ll be so excited to be re-united with their friends that they might not complain too much)

Here's some nostalgia! Here's my big bro and I. I must have been in year 1 or 2 going by the missing teeth! ;-)

So get in those photos with your kids – you don’t need a fancy camera. Just your phone will do! And remember that time is the greatest thief. You will never get this time back. Your kids are going to moan when you're taking the photos for sure! My kids are reluctant but willing because I make it quick and they know it makes me happy – and for now it is more for me – knowing they will look back in 20 or 50 years time and be grateful for these memories.

Also, bribes help ;-)

Sue Thorn Photography

Newborn and Family Photographer Hills district, Sydney

Celebrating the BIG ONE year old


Why I LOVE photography