From one Mum to another…

From a Mama who’s been there:

Dear Mamas of kids starting school this year,

Firstly, congrats! You’ve got your excited and nervous kids through the school door. That is a feat in itself. The anticipation is real. For your child and YOU.

The first week is a LOT.

There’s a huge mess of emotions - excitement, worry and maybe even a little sadness as you realise Johnny is all grown up in his uniform and he’s carrying a bag that is as big as himself. He’s a big boy now! Soon he’ll be going to parties and driving a car.

Hold on there! Back up the truck!

These are the golden years.

Your child is going through a massive transition of learning - not just his ABC’s and timetables but social learning too. It can be a tough time for some. They need an extra hug.

The first week is exciting and then reality hits that school is 5 days a week for what seems like an eternity. The novelty wears off. You’ll probably find Johnny happy and skipping through his day at school and as soon as he gets into the car, the meltdowns start. This is normal. You are his safe person, the person he can trust to let his guard down. A full day of learning at school is a LOT. He’s held onto being good all day. He needs an extra hug.

So from one Mum to another who has been there 3 times for Kindy (and now I have my second starting high school which is a whole other ball game!), try not to bombard your kids with questions and schedule lots of after school activities. They need time with you to de-compress, to unwind and chill, and an extra hug.

And maybe some early nights.

And that will leave you with plenty of time to read all the school notes that come through.🤣

My kiddies starting school - not ashamed to say they’re all iphone photos - capturing this stage of their lives is more important than a perfect image.

Sue Thorn Photography

Newborn and Family Photographer Hills district, Sydney

“I’ve never looked at myself this way before, maybe never seen myself”.


Tips for a stress-free photoshoot